Do You Need to Automate Your Staff's Attendance?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 TimeTec 0 Comments

Not every company should be investing in time attendance automation but it’s common knowledge that tracking time attendance of every employee manually can be time consuming, labor intensive and perhaps cost more money that it should if it involves a great number of employees, multiple errors and other complications. Eventually, all growing organizations would be automating time attendance system at some point in their business to achieve efficiency in employee management. But, at what point would you consider the move?

Let’s look at some of the factors that organizations need to weight in before making any decisions about time attendance automation.

Once your company headcount is as large as this, attendance automation is a not a option anymore.

The size of your organization matters because the more employees you have, the harder it is to keep track and the more information needs to be processed in order to yield the target outcomes. When processing time attendance takes a good chunk of your good employees’ time and it affects other areas like payroll, human resources and other business systems, automated system of employee clocking is the way to go. Delay in these areas in large companies would spell catastrophic to operation.


Much Ado About Lunches and Breaks

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 TimeTec 0 Comments

Between tons of work, meetings, presentations, racing towards targets and performance, companies need to take a break and take a hard look on the way they handle employee’s lunch and break hours.  It’s simply because something that seems so trivial could cost company big money if it’s not being handle properly and according to the (labor) law. Bare in mind that not all breaks are created equal in one’s country or even one’s state. Hence, careful understanding on how to deal with lunch and break hours is crucial to tackle it right.

The most adventurous lunch break.

In Australia for example, an employee can’t work more than 5 hours without a meal break of between 30 minutes to 1 hour and the meal break is not compensable. But, this doesn’t apply to all workers. If he is a shift worker, all breaks and lunches are payable hours Down Under. And, when he works more than 10 hours, he’s entitled to two meal breaks. The law in the UK however, allows 10 minutes break if a staff has worked for more than 4 hours and 20 minutes break if he has worked more than 6 hours. But what if an employee has taken that 10 minutes break after 4 hours, would he be entitled for another 10 on the 6th hour?


Curbing Nonchalant Time Stealing the TimeTec Cloud Way

Wednesday, December 24, 2014 TimeTec 0 Comments

Honesty is apparently not the best policy, definitely not in the working world because often times, human resources department has to deal with dishonest employees with regards to time attendance and medical leaves causing company a lot of money. For an employee, so what if he asked other fellow colleague to clock in for him and he'll show up an hour later? Nobody will even notice that he's missing in that short hour. So, what if he clocked in earlier and clocked out later than scheduled? When an appointment with a client outside of the office is at 11, just inform the office that the meeting is at 10 and go straight from home around 10 instead of checking into the office first. Who’s going to check on you? 

Time Stealing is Harmless?

And the worrying part is, majority employees who commit this act do not feel remotely guilty of doing such thievery because there’s no negative impact on their lives whatsoever. What's it to the company if they have to fork out some extra dollars? It's not going to hurt anybody, is it? In business, each minute equals to dollars and cents and a company must remember that one extra hour a day makes a cheating employee slightly richer on payday. Multiply that to x number of employee, the damage is pretty apparent, isn't it?

Employee's perspective of company's time