Handling And Managing Absenteeism Effectively With Attendance Data

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

Absence is a common issue that can be found in the workplace where employees fail to report to work or to remain at work as scheduled. Every employee is bound to be absent one day or more in a year, regardless of the type and position of the employee. A CIPD Absence Survey conducted in 2013 states that “in relation to unauthorized absence, people are absent from work for an average of 7.6 days a year with workplace absenteeism back up to the levels observed in 2010 and 2011”. Although it is common for companies to expect absences from their workers because there will be instances which employees may not be able to attend work full-time, however absenteeism issues will continue to escalate if the management do not know how to manage the issue while employees adopt a casual attitude towards absenteeism by abusing the system.

An absent personnel leaves a hole in everyday's process
To be able to manage absenteeism in the workplace, first an employer needs to identify and categorize the causes for absenteeism because there are a few types of absences to begin with. Typically, absences can be categorized into 3 types that include planned, unplanned and partial absences. 

Planned absences include holidays, vacations, paid time off, personal annual leaves, but they are usually scheduled and approved in advance by the employer, making it manageable. Next is unplanned absences which are disappearances from work unexpectedly due to sickness, compassionate leaves for family’s death, disability, unpaid leaves, family medical issues and etc. The last type is partial absences, which involve lateness, early departure without permission of the employer, running errands during office hours, taking unapproved long breaks, failing to remain on duty at the work site and many more. 


Employing New Technology To Improve Organizational Maturity

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

Change in organizational process in inevitable but change does not necessarily mean that it is a good thing if it doesn’t produce the improved or desired outcomes for an organization. A company can evolve and adopt a biometrics time and attendance system complete with its fancy management software but if the company fails to gain any positive impact in the long run, the change might not be moving in the right direction or the objectives of the implementation have not been defined clearly. This is the superficial “Change Trap” that a lot of companies fall into and in the end, never understood why they made the change in the first place.  

When deploying a biometrics time attendance and cloud-based attendance software such as TimeTec, a company should strive to achieve organizational maturity. Do not expect the system to work its magic in delivering the intended positive outcome because the system is just a tool; maturity moves gradually and when technology process and ROI are moving in tandem, only then an organization reaches maturity.

Pair biometrics time attendance time clocks with TimeTec for an efficient attendance management system

How does a company assess organizational maturity? Let’s go over some key performance indexes that could help you better understand how to achieve maturity with deployment of the latest technology.   


It’s Time to Take Time Attendance System Seriously

Friday, February 06, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

Unlocking Its Full Potential Through In-Depth Understanding

Time and attendance management systems have been around for decades to track and calculate employee’s work hours. The methods of data collection differ over the years, some more advanced than the others. Punch card was widely popular in the 90s and in the millennium, smart card and biometrics time attendance system has become the systems of choice for their distinctiveness and effectiveness.

Even though the demands for time and attendance system have increased as time goes by, the significance of this system is not fully understood and explored by many corporations due to a lack of understanding about the system’s full potential.

What more could a time attendance system do other than collecting the total working hours of a staff?
There’s more than meets the eye when we talk about time and attendance systems. From the surface, the system collects the check-in and check-out times of an employee for monitoring and perhaps linking the data for payroll purposes. Time theft could be eradicated easily when a good time attendance system is implemented. However, if one takes a delves deeper into what this system offers, it covers a more important part of managing a company’s resources such as automation, staff scheduling, project costing, resource assignment, real-time visibility, crucial calculations of productivity and so much more. A time attendance system should be able to provide a company with features and functions that can effectively manage the resources with its various settings, calculations and reports. Don’t settle for a simple time and attendance system because as your company grows, your requirements will inevitably increase in terms of resource management.   


Dealing with Absence Tales and Excuses Head On In the Workplace

Thursday, February 05, 2015 TimeTec 0 Comments

‘Absence makes the heart grow fonder’ – well that’s clearly not the case especially in a business environment. According to a survey commissioned by CareerBuilder in 2013, 28% of employees in the US have called in sick to work, even though they were perfectly healthy. It’s not just calling in sick, but lateness, taking long breaks and skipping off early are some of the major obstacles faced by management in attempting to manage employee attendance.

Some of most common absence excuses are:

“My alarm clock broke” “My car won’t start” “I can’t find my car key” “I have a personal emergency” “I’m sick. (cough) (cough)”