Being Flexible About Workplace Flexibility
There is nothing wrong with sticking to the regular working hours; it has been there for ages. Employees are familiar with what is expected of them and having regular working hours will keep them in line with the company’s imposed disciplines perfectly. Ideally, that is what all employers are gunning for, one system that fits all, having all ducks in a row. In reality however, employees come from diverse economic backgrounds, they have their own set of family history; each carries with them their own set of problems or situations. People have sick family members to take care of, elderly people need attention, children need to be attended to when babysitters aren’t available, and various other problems or there are some employees who prefer to report to work at certain times in order to remain creative and productive.
Applying flexibility in scheduling might not be able to solve problems across the company but it helps to tackle a few common problems of employees and in turn can become a great tool to improve recruitment, retention and at the same time addressing employee diversity, putting the company in a better light as a company that cares.